His-P's T-shirt Survey

Kindly complete the following questionnaire for our new Christian t-shirt clothing line called “His-P (His Presence)”

Our mission: "Clothing the world with His Presence"

Your feedback is highly important to us. Thank you.

His-P's T-shirt Survey
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Gender? ✪

Age group? ✪

Do you wear t-shirts?

What size of t-shirts do you wear?

What is your preferred neck style(s) for your t-shirts?

Sleeve choice?

What is / are your most important factor(s) in choosing a t-shirt? Please choose all that applies.

How much do you pay for the t-shirts you wear?

Do you own a t-shirt with Christian designs? ✪

Would you be interested in buying t-shirts from His-Presence? ✪

Your name ✪

Email address ✪