Hotel conference (corporate event) experience

We want to know what are the most important factors while choosing a hotel for a company's event / conference
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

How old are you?

How often do you go to conferences?

What is the main purpose for having a conference?

What is the average time you spent at a conference?

On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being irrelevant and 10 being essential) rate the importance of following factors in a Conference experience:

Infrastructure (Internet connection, presentation tools, quality etc.) of conference rooms
Quality of the hotel
Reputation of the hotel
Quality of the food
MENU selection
Leisure activities (indoor)
Leisure activities (outdoor)
Quality of personnel (availability, professionalism, attitude)

Is there anything else you find important in a conference experience?

What activities would you like to have during the conference?

How far are you willing to travel for the conference center?

How do you usually book a conference?

Does season affect your choice of going to the conference? If yes how?

If satisfied by the conference experience do you prefer going back to the same hotel or try a new one instead?

What are the main flaws you noticed during the conferences?

Thinking about your best conference experience, what attributes made it outstanding?

Is there anything else a dream conference should have?