Hotels in the U.S. will change to better suit Chinese customers in the next 10 years.

Name, Gender, Nationality

  1. jane, female and indian
  2. vandana, female, indian
  3. venkat, 24, indian
  4. sumant mail india
  5. swastika, female, india
  6. anuradha, 26 years old, from india.
  7. biswamanohar singh
  8. happiness
  9. dileep male indian
  10. rupashree, female, indian
  11. rajiv male hindu
  12. shuchita, female, indian
  13. milind misra, male, indian
  14. juan ramon chrinios male venezuela
  15. sinisa malenkovic-male-serbian
  16. antony racioppi male spanish
  17. daniel borbely, male, austrian
  18. muzzar ibrahim, male, uae
  19. adel hamwi
  20. felicia hanson
  21. byeonghoo yoo
  22. john murray
  23. gisele johnson
  24. nimeth david
  25. julian monti
  26. stephanie frost
  27. jude salem
  28. james newman
  29. elina mesitre
  30. bryce zryg
  31. mete turkmenoglu
  32. aman garg
  33. adham elhares
  34. miguel affiliated