How 1st year students of VIKO university of applied sciences dealing with stress

5. What do you think is the biggest source of stress in your university?

  1. not sure
  2. exams 💔
  3. people
  4. i feel lonely, but i'm always surrounded by a lot of people.
  5. i miss too many lectures or i am late.
  6. homework
  7. deadlines
  8. deadlines
  9. unlikely lectures
  10. deadlines and exam dates are really close, so most of the time students are just relaxing and suddenly have to deal with a lot of stress.
  11. study
  12. deadlines
  13. some lectures
  14. people
  15. people around me!
  16. lectures start too early.
  17. .
  18. student-teacher relationships
  19. deadlines
  20. exam session
  21. deadlines
  22. exams, presentations
  23. exams
  24. deadlines