How do psychology and nursing students differ on optimism, coping strategy and stress?

My name is Lui Ho Wai. I am completing a Bachelor Degree of Psychology and Counselling with Honours in Lingnan Institute of Further Education, which is run in collaboration with the University of Wales. The study program involves a research and a thesis. My supervisor is Dr Lufanna Lai, who is a lecturer of Lingnan Institute of Further Education.


The purpose of my study is to understand how the relationship between optimism, coping strategy and stress differ between nursing students and psychology students.


The participants should be the students studying nursing or psychology in the universities of Hong Kong. You are invited to take part in this research. If you agree to participate, you will be required to complete the questionnaire attached. This will take approximately fifteen minutes of your time.


The survey will ask about your general health, coping strategy and level of optimism. The survey will also ask for some demographic information such as your age and gender.


Participation is voluntary, so you may withdraw at any stage for any reason without being disadvantaged in any way. Moreover, please ensure that you do not write your name, or any other comments that will make you identifiable, on the attached questionnaire. Questionnaire are completely anonymous and individual results will not be reported to ensure your confidentiality is protected. By completing and returning the questionnaire, you are consenting to take part in this research. The data form this survey will be kept in a secure storage for a period of one year and will then be destroyed.


It is not expected that participating in this study will cause you any undue emotional discomfort, stress or harm. However, if this does occur, please contact the counseling hotline on (852)2382 0000.


If you wish to be provided with the results of this research, or have any further questions about this study, please contact Dr. Lufanna Lai on 2616 7609, or alternatively, at [email protected].


It is highly appreciated if you can complete and return the questionnaire as soon as possible. Thank you.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Never 0 ~~~~~ 10 Always

Are you able to concentrate on your tasks recently?
Have you lost sleep due to worries recently?
Do you feel that you play a useful role in various aspects recently?
Do you feel decisive in handling matters recently?
Have you felt mental pressure recently?
Have you found it hard to cope with everything recently?
Do you find daily life enjoyable recently?
Have you had the courage to face problems recently?
Have you felt unhappy or depressed recently?
Do you feel a loss of confidence recently?
Do you feel useless recently?
Overall, do you feel happy recently?

Completely disagree 0 ~~~~~ 10 Completely agree

Many times, I expect the best outcomes.
It is easy for me to relax at any time.
If I think I will mess things up, it really will happen.
I am generally quite optimistic about my future.
I enjoy spending time with friends.
Staying busy is very important to me.
Few things go in the direction I expect.
I do not feel anxious easily.
I rarely expect good things to happen to me.
Overall, I expect good things to happen more than bad.

Never use 0 ~~~~~ 10 Use frequently

I try to leave room for retreat and not push things to the edge.
I try to consider my own feelings.
I try not to act impulsively or follow my instincts.
I let others know what is not good.
I try to understand that problems can affect other things or factors.
I think about what I will say or do first.
I reflect on how people I admire would handle this situation and use it as a reference.

Course level:

Monthly household income



Educational institution

Study year

Field of study