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ago about 8y
How much would you spend on Indian wear?
How much would you spend on a lehenga?
Results are publicly available
How much would you spend on a lehenga?
100 pounds
300 pounds
500 pounds
How much would you spend on something like this?
less than 50 pounds
more than 100 pounds
more than 300 pounds
If you were to find beautiful fresh designs straight from the ramp, how would you consider buying it?
From a local Asian design store
Order it online from a website
Order from Instagram
What do you trust the most when buying clothes for weddings etc.?
Asian retail store
A website someone recommended you
An instagram page which has exactly what you need
If you could buy asian clothes straight from India/Pakistan delivered to your doorstep tailor-made according to your needs, how much would you spend?
less than 150 pounds
300-400 pounds
more than 500
How much do you usually spend on a suit? (something like this)
less than 50 pounds
200 pounds
more than 300 pounds