How to increase student enrolment for Fontys’ Master in Business and Management (MBM)?

The topic of our research project is “How to increase student enrolment for Fontys’ Master in Business

and Management (MBM)?”. In order to find out how to increase student enrolment for the Fontys Master

of Business and Management we ask at least hundred students to fill in the questionnaire. The target

group of the questionnaire already does the MBM at Fontys or is in the last year of its bachelor studies.

Short information about the MBM: The Master of Science in Business and Management is a 12 month

course in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom The course program provides students the opportunity

of both studying at Fontys International Campus in Venlo and at the University of Plymouth, United


Total fees for the year 2013-2014 are: EU students Non –EU students

First instalment (autumn in Venlo)

is charged in August

€ 3,700 € 4,600

Second instalment (Plymouth)

is charged in January

£ 4,667 £ 7,833

How to increase student enrolment for Fontys’ Master in Business and Management (MBM)?

1. What gender are you?

2. What is your nationality?

3. What is your age?

4. How many semesters did you already study?

5. Which year do you expect to graduate?

6. Which year do you expect to start working?

7. What do you study at the moment? (One answer)

8. Where do you study?

9. How did you gain the first time information about the master program? (One answer)

10. How do you evaluate the information provided?

11. Where do you prefer to find most of the information of the MBM? (Multiple answers possible)

12. What is your opinion about Fontys International Business School?

13. Are you interested in taking a master program at Fontys?

14. How much are you interested in doing the Fontys MBM (1 is low; 5 is very interested)?

15. How far is Fontys Venlo located from your hometown? (km)


    16. What is the most important reason choosing the master of business and management at Fontys? (only one answer)

    17. What don’t you like of the program of the MBM? (only one answer)

    18. Do you have any suggestions to improve the MBM? (only one answer)

    Create your questionnaireAnswer this form