How well do you know me?

Let's see how well you know me ;)

written @ 30/MAY/2013 8:00 PM CLT

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Where was I born?

What did I want to be when I was young?

What do I always think about myself?

What’s the thing I hate the most about myself?

What’s my Baptism Name?

What’s my favorite color?

What’s my favorite fast food restaurant from the list below?

What's my favorite juice?

What can I eat every day from the list below?

What country would I like to live in?

At a party, what would I definitely be doing?

What’s my favorite soccer team?

What’s the color of my eyes?

What’s my favorite number?

If I won $1,000,000, what is the craziest thing I would do?