ICT in music education (For teachers)

I'm Ernesta from Lithuania University of Educational Sciences.
Now I'm doing research for my master thesis about ICT in music education. The main goal is to find out teachers' approach to ICT in music classes. Also, I want to ask about the technology you have in your class, the opportunities of technology that you are using, why you are using this technology, and how it is useful for children's music education.

I want to ask you for help to complete the questionnaire for my research. Also, if you can and want, you can share this questionnaire with your colleagues. Thank you in advance for your help. It's really important for me.

This interview is anonymous. Answers will be used just in my master thesis.

Best wishes.

(The concept of ICT (information and communications technology - or technologies) is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.)

ICT in music education (For teachers)
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your sex? ✪

Your age ✪

Your country: ✪

Your work experience in musical training ✪

for e.g. 5 years teaching, and 1 year practice in university.

Where do you work? (for e.g. high school, music school, private music school etc.) ✪

if you are not working: Where did/do you have practice?

What is the age of children you are working with? ✪

How much time a day do you spend using a computer? ✪

What part of that time do you spend preparing music lessons? ✪

How much time do you spend preparing music lessons without a computer? ✪

What kind of activities do you create with the help of a computer? (learning methods, tasks for pupils, presentations etc.) ✪

What software do you use for preparation of music lessons? ✪

What kind of technology do you have in your music class? Are you using all of them in your music lessons? (DVD, CD player, TV, computers, phones, interactive boards like “Prometheus”, “SMART” etc). ✪

What kind of software (programs) do you have and use in your class? ✪

How often do you use those technologies in your music lessons? ✪

Why did you choose exactly those technologies in your lessons? How are they useful to kids' musical education? ✪

What kind of technologies are you missing in your music class? Why? How useful would it be for kids' musical education? ✪

What are the advantages and disadvantages (+/-) of using technologies in music class? ✪

Are technologies a necessity in music lessons? Please comment more about that. ✪

What is the influence of technology on music education? ✪

Your thoughts/suggestions/critique: ✪