Ideas - Youth Living Stone - Leaders

Here are all the ideas that were collected during the previous meeting.

The purpose of this survey is to provide your opinion (Discouraged, Neutral, Recommended) for each of these ideas in order to make a first sorting of the ideas.

Based on your opinions and those of the young people, we will choose the most popular ideas among the youth from those recommended by the leaders. These ideas will be discussed on Friday 12/7 with the aim of making an action plan and defining roles and responsibilities for these ideas.

Note that the survey will close on Wednesday 10/7 at 6 PM.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author


Presence on social networks
Filming meetings (live streaming)
Personal website
Promotional video for the youth group (advertising, evangelization,...)
Drawing (posters for events and drawings for reflection/evangelization)


Creation of a directory with name, phone number, birthday
Logistics manager (how people come and go)
Local manager (opening the venue, preparing the room in advance,...)
Meeting program manager (what, when, who,...) + communication and reminders
Meetings between girls and between boys to address specific points
Weekly report for the leaders (meeting minutes,...)
Prayer vigil
Retreats more than once a year (Spain/Timarie)
Talent show (artistic gifts,...)
Sports day
Meeting with other churches (youth group, joint talent show,...)
Trips (city trip, camping,...)
Walk/meditation in the woods
Common meals


Prayer group (collecting, communicating prayer topics)
Prayer box
Chain of prayer
Prayer walks
Prayer partner/PEPS
Healing, miracles, and encounters with God
Prayer meetings between youth and their parents
Prayer for evangelization


Visiting the sick, the elderly, orphans
Help during events, weddings, moving, etc.
Visiting prisoners
Doing small jobs for the residents of Gembloux
Cooking workshop


Having a bank account
Introducing a support request from the Church
Fundraising (for building purchase, attending CJ, missionary support,...)

Worship and adoration

Creating a worship group
Composing songs together, translation,...
Concert/CD by the youth
Skits, dances, mimes,...
Instruments during meetings

Welcoming and follow-up

Being attentive to newcomers by organizing meetings after the service, praying for them, welcoming them, explaining, making them comfortable,...
Keeping in touch with those who no longer attend (texts, prayers, verses...)
Preparing surprises/gifts for those who no longer come
Inviting those who no longer attend in an external context (not at church)


Birthday parties for pre-evangelization
Mission trip
Coffee2Go (offering free coffee and inviting people to answer a question about faith)
Fun/game night to invite outside friends
Movie/debate night
Testimony (youth, elders, or guests)
Street evangelization
Singing in the street


Bible studies by the leaders
Teaching on what my ministry/my gifts are
Teaching on service
Teaching on brotherly communion
Teaching on suffering/trials
Teaching on spiritual warfare
Teaching on the word of God
Teaching on prayer (how to pray, praying differently,...)
Teaching on the local church (by the pastor, questions addressed by youth in advance)
Teaching on discipleship
Teaching on the foundations of faith
The hand of God (a youth shares how another blessed them and was "the hand of God" in their life)
Teaching on evangelization
Bible studies by the youth (rotating)
Having a library of books, films, videos
Debate on a text or character
Forum (Questions for Christians)
Outdoor worship
Themed movie night
Reading a common book + sharing
Verses to remember together
Coaching among youth

Contribution to the Church

Participating in Christmas and Easter celebrations
Holding a youth service
Internship in a department of the Church
Collaboration with the Evangelism department
Collaboration with Amazing Grace
Collaboration with the couples and family department
Collaboration with the intercession department
Preparing a contribution for a service
Participating in home groups
Participating in the Berea school