Please list three companies operating in the Slovenian market that you consider to be the most reputable. Rank them according to reputation. (1= most reputable).

  1. i don't know.
  2. ?
  3. krka gorenje domel lek
  4. gffggf
  5. apple
  6. rhrhsest
  7. cows
  8. df
  9. nanana
  10. most prestigious
  11. simobil krka petrol
  12. mercator elan mobitel
  13. krka mercator simobil
  14. mobile medicine krka
  15. simobil mecator krka
  16. lek krka mercator
  17. apple nokia bmw
  18. krka marles ness
  19. apple, nokia, adidas
  20. 1=telekom slovenia 2=si.mobil 3=mercator
  21. krka - krka lek - medicine elan - deer
  22. krka trimo mercator
  23. bmw, petrol, simobil
  24. 1. gorenje 2. simobil 3. hidria
  25. lek krka simobil