Impact of employment on academic performance

We are Vilnius University students and we are carrying out a survey in order to find out how full/part time employment of students and their overall income influence their achievement in study. Please be kind to answer the following questions, it won’t take more than 5 minutes. All your answers will be kept anonymous and used only for survey purpose. Thank you for your time, have a good day!

Which course student are you?

How much time outside of the university do you usually spend for your educational duties per week? (homework, projects, team works)


    Are you able to complete all of the required tasks in time?

    Do you think you have enough time to complete all of the required work that is related with education?

    In your opinion is it possible to combine job and studies?

    Do you consider that job could harm the performance of the students in the university?

    Are you currently employed?

    If you are employed, is your job related with your studies? (Skip this question if you do not work)

    Create your questionnaireAnswer this form