In November-March, almost 5 times less foreign tourists visit Turkey than in the warmer months of the year. In your opinion, what would help to reduce seasonality in Turkey?

  1. I think permanent services and conditions
  2. Nauji veiklos traukos centrai.
  3. I cannot tell, I personally think that Turkey is beautiful and attractive no matter which month it is. It's just people who usually take holidays to travel in summer time and Turkey is a really common choice, but in the colder season people just do not travel that much, but if they do they usually choose to go somewhere much hotter than it is in Turkey at the time or much colder. I think that is the reason why people do not choose Turkey for a winter season that much.
  4. Promotion of other resorts not only Antalya or Muğla. For example, Turkey needs to promote more winter destinations - somewhere in the mountains where you can go for skiing.
  5. Niekas. Manau, faktą, kad mažiau žmonių aplanko Turkiją (bei kitas šalis) lemia tai, kad žmonės yra pratę keliauti ir atostogauti vasaros-rudens sezonų laikotarpiu.
  6. More advertisement about activities that can be done in cold months
  7. Advertising winter tourism activities
  8. Nauju pramogu sukurimas, turkijos pateikimas ne tik kaip vasaros pramogu salies
  9. Cheaper prices and events for winter special
  10. Idk