Improvement of Small and Medium Enterprises Activities

The purpose of the research is to inquire about the context of the process in SMEs in addition to find the methods and suggest the ways and possibilities to intensify development in the activities of Small and Medium Enterprises. To achieve this goal the survey questionnaire is created. The main ideas to explore: -To find out if there is a management deficiency in SMEs and if it influence the development of an enterprise; -To find out if there is a government intervention problem and if it influence the development of an enterprise.

PERSON CONTACTED (list your work position)





            The highest level of complete education?

            What kind of education you have?

            Have you ever participated in training course?

            Do you provide training to the employees?

            What part of the enterprise success belongs to the entrepreneur?

            What is the decision making process in your company?

            Rank your opinion on the statements below

            Who is responsible for financial planning in your company?

            In comparison with other functional areas, how important is financial planning sector in your company?

            Who is responsible for marketing planning in your company?

            In comparison with other functional areas, how important is marketing planning sector in your company?

            Does your company have any plan and funds available for improvement? Does the company implement the plan?

            Please comment your answer

              What kind of strategy does your company have?

              Rank your opinion on the statements below

              Do you find it complicated to start a business

              Please state the difficulties to start the business (if there is any)

                Please state the difficulties to keep and improve the business (if there is any)

                  Please state your opinion about government policy and what changes could help you to improve your business

                    Rank your opinion on the statements below

                    Evaluate the development level of the business functions in your company

                    Evaluate the development level of the ‘Plan business’ processes in your company

                    Create Your QuestionnaireAnswer this form