Information transfer using Crowdsourcing method

My name is Agne Gedeikaite. I am studying at Kaunas University of Technology. I am conducting research to identify how effectively information should be disseminated using crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is the open distribution of a task via the internet to an uncertain size group of people or community to perform, which completes the job in various forms of reward. The results of this research will be incorporated into the preparation of my master's thesis. The questionnaire is anonymous. Thank you for your answers. Your opinion is very important to me.

Do You know what it is crowdsourcing? (Please, write Your answer)

    Did You ever took part in crowdsourcing? (Please, write Your answer)

      If yes, what did You like, or did not like? (Please, write Your answer)

        In Your opinion, what is needed to implement crowdsourcing? (Please, write Your answer)

          1. Do You agree that these features stimulate You to take part in crowdsourcing?

          2. Do You agree that these elements of organizations identity would stimulate You to take part in crowdsourcing?

          3. How do the features of question’s vision stimulate You to take part in crowdsourcing? Please evaluate each item by scoring.

          4. Please evaluate how suitable these platforms of information transfer are to implement the method of crowdsourcing. Please evaluate each item by scoring.

          5. How do You evaluate the information transfer about crowdsourcing, using these items? Please evaluate each item by scoring.

          6. How does each channel of information transfer stimulate the decision of society to take part in crowdsourcing? Please evaluate each item by scoring.

          7. Do You agree that the person who wants to take part in crowdsourcing must possess the following qualities?

          8. Do You agree that organizations have to pay attention to these skills when a person wants to take part in crowdsourcing?

          9. Your gender

          10. Your age

          11. Your education

          12. Your social condition

          Create your questionnaireAnswer this form