Instagram advertisements 2021 - copy


I would like to present you the survey I am currently working on, viewing the impact of advertisements found on the Instagram, social media platform. Specifically how effective they were in 2021.

Instagram advertisements are advertisements that use the method of paying to post sponsored content on the Instagram platform to reach a larger and more targeted audience.

Please complete this survey by answering the questions and following the instructions. Approximate time of completing this survey 5-7 minutes. Confidentiality of your answers and information is guaranteed, due to the fact that they will be only used for research purposes.

Thank you very much in advance for your response.

Cristiana Micu – surveyor

For additional questions, please contact me at my email: [email protected]

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Q. 1 How often do you use social media?

social media-forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

Q. 2 What social media platforms are you currently using?

Several times a year (1-3+ times a year)
Several times a month (1-3+ times a month)
Several times a week (1-3+ times a week)
Once a day
Several times a day (1-3+ times a day)
No answer
I don't know
Facebook Messenger

Q. 3 How many Instagram followers do you have?

Q. 4 How many Instagram accounts do you follow?

Q.5 How many hours do you spend on Instagram daily?

Q. 6 What do you think is your fundamental reason to use Instagram?

Q. 7 How many ads do you see on Instagram daily?

An advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the promotion of a product, brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and sales.

Q. 8 Have you ever promoted your Instagram account thru Instagram advertisements?

Q. 9 Have you ever taken the following actions based on Instagram ads?

A few times
Many times
Prefer not to answer
Don't know
No answer
Visited promoted page
Followed a link
Liked a photo or some on their page
Followed the promoted account
Purchased a promoted product

Q. 10 How likely are Instagram ads to change your opinion to a more positive one regarding a product or brand?

Q.11 Are you satisfied with the number of ads that have been featured on your Instagram?

Q.12 Are Instagram advertisements related to what you like?

Q. 13 Are the ads you see visually appealing?

Q. 14 Have you ever reported an instagram ad due to the infringement of Instagram policies?

Q.15 How effective are Instagram ads?

Many times
Prefer not answer
Don't know
No answer
Q.14.1 Do you notice the ads on Instagram?
Q.14.2 Do you dedicate your attention to the ads on Instagram?
Q.14.3 Have you ever learned about a product thru Instagram ads?
Q.14.4 Have you ever purchased a product from Instagram ads?

Q. 16 Have you ever came across any inappropriate Instagram ads?

Q. 17 Have you ever seen gender based advertisements on Instagram?

Q. 18 What kind of advertisements do you prefer?

Q. 19 Which Instagram ads format do you prefer?

Not preferred
Very preferred
Prefer not to answer
I don't know
No answer
Photo ads
Video ads
Carousel ads (multiple photos and videos posts)
Slideshow ads (multiple images, videos text and sound to tell a story)
Collection ads (browse thru products, services)

Q. 20 What do you think about Instagram ads?

Please write your opinion in the box provided

Q. 21 How old are you?

Q. 22 Where are you from?

Q 23. What is your gender?

Q. 24 What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

Q. 25 Are you currently…?