IT Consultants relocation requirements

The aim of this survey is to collect relative information regarding relocation issues among Senior Consultants in IT sphere. Considering the fact that nowadays more and more IT consultants are working in international companies they usually have high number of travels or even have to change their working places. As an IT outsourcing company we would like to build the most comfortable working places for our employees and for this reason we would like to ask you to fill short survey. Your answers will help young and senior IT specialists to build their solid career in comfortable environment. Thank you in advance,

Ekleft Consulting

What is your age category?

What is your current location?

How many years of experience in IT industry do you have?

Do you consider relocation at this point of your career?

What could motivate you to relocate to another country?

Other option

    What would you like to see in your social package as an employee?

    What is the most important point in the social package?

    Create your questionnaireAnswer this form