Jacksepticeye's impact on his followers mental health

What is your opinion about youtubers talking about mental health on Twitter?

  1. Its good done the right way
  2. good. it spreads awareness and makes seem more important issue because of his big platform
  3. Really positive, I think it is important to share awareness about mental health with bigger group of people
  4. I think it is very important, because social media creates a fake image of how internet personas live the perfect life
  5. I think it's amazing that people aren't afraid to talk about personal issues publicly.
  6. Good
  7. I think it's very important and shows their care for their community.
  8. They have every right to. It's their account, they can tweet whatever they want.
  9. They are spreading awareness, and share their own personal stories, I think it is good
  10. It is good that they draw attention to it