Jacksepticeye's impact on his followers mental health

What is your opinion about this tweet?

  1. I agree. Social media can definitely have a negative impact on mental health, and taking a break from it could definitely help if it is a cause for your mental health issues.
  2. I totally agree
  3. Its the truth to meny bad things happen because of mentel health and internet
  4. good. it makes look important issue as he is addressing it to his big fan base
  5. In our world now people thinking too much about other people opinion and sametimes the do bad staff for them self because sameone says about them on internet and they thinking thats true, you need to disconect from internet time to time.
  6. I agree with it, because most of the time social media is a reason for bad mental health
  7. Super relevant, simple and a good reminder
  8. Agree
  9. I agree with this idea, and I appreciate Jack speaking up about it
  10. My opinion is good