Jacksepticeye's impact on his followers mental health

Do you believe Jacksepticeye creates a safer environment to talk about mental health? Yes? No? Why do you think so?

  1. I don't think Jacksepticeye has an impact on the safety of the environment in which mental health is talked about, positive or negative.
  2. yes, because he has many followers and he helps normalize mental health problems
  3. I do, he continues to speak on it and shows people that others have these disorders and that they aren’t alone.
  4. Why not.
  5. Yes, integrating discussions about mental health with popular culture through social media would most likely create a more open environment in which to discuss mental health related issues.
  6. Yes, he talks about it in videos too. It makes it easier to relate and he is very encouraging to people struggling with mental health.
  7. I think he does. I think that there is a stigma about mental health, especially in some communities over others, where people will think that what they are dealing with is somehow shameful or that they should be trying harder, when in fact it's completely out of our control, regardless of whether an individual is dealing with a clinical, lifelong mental disorder or illness, or if they fall into a depression for some reason or another but can eventually get out. When people talk about mental health and they have a large audience, especially if a large amount of their audience looks up to them, then they have an opportunity to remove the stigma and potentially influence people to go see a therapist, or at the very least do some research to find out if they should, or even simply to become more supportive of their friends who do struggle with mental health.
  8. What do you mean by "environment"? Jacksepticeye did not create Twitter.
  9. Yes, by talking about it.
  10. Yes. I think it’s on the one side because he played some heavy games in the past and took them seriously and talked about mental health and tried his best to help his fans. And then also, because he had his own issues with mental health and it makes me feel safer around a person when I know that they went through the same shit I am stuck in at the moment. I don’t feel as judged as I would feel around people who where never even close to any of this. (Hope I didn’t lose my point) Because he creates this „safe space“ I feel more confident to talk about mental health and open my mouth in general. I personally haven’t talked about my stuff in his comments like a lot of people do but I appreciate the people who have the balls for that (anxiety wuhu) and it just proves that he creates a safe environment to talk about mental health.