Jacksepticeye's impact on his followers mental health

Do you believe Jacksepticeye creates a safer environment to talk about mental health? Yes? No? Why do you think so?

  1. Yes. He seems to be well informed, kind, and willing to learn when it comes to the topic of mental health. I believe he has created a very safe place to talk about mental health.
  2. I think he is one of the people who makes mental health an available topic to talk about
  3. Yes
  4. yes. he created seems more safe environment to talk about mental heath by being open about his mental health issues and making sure his fan base feeling safe talking about it too
  5. Yes, because same people are spending too much time on phones or computers and dont see the world around them.
  6. Idk
  7. yes, because for a lot of people it is hard to talk about mental health cause it might look stupid for others, but when someone with bigger following shares their issues, it gives courage to speak up and feel not alone
  8. Yes
  9. Yes, because he is sharing his own experiences
  10. No, because he is youtuber