KoGloss: Evaluation Questionnaire

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    The focus of the course was on:

    I. a. I have previously worked on building a corpus.

    I. b. In the field of foreign and specialized languages, working with corpora has proven useful.

    I. c. The text selection in the corpus provided a suitable working basis.

    I. d. The texts in the corpus were suitable for identifying discourse-specific constructions.

    II. a. I have previously worked with the program AntConc.

    II. b. Handling AntConc posed no problems for me.

    II. c. The analysis using AntConc provided satisfactory results.

    II. d. I will be able to apply the experiences gained with AntConc in the future.

    III. a. I have previously worked with the learning platform Moodle.

    III. b. I find the learning platform Moodle well suited for collaborative work.

    III. c. Handling Moodle posed no problems for me.

    IV. a. I had sufficient linguistic knowledge to handle all aspects of the glossary entry.

    IV. b. Through creating the glossary entries, I acquired new knowledge.

    IV. c. I see practical applications for the glossaries created in Moodle.

    V. a. I consider the KoGloss method a promising approach.

    V. b. I see further application possibilities for the KoGloss method.

    V. c. I see possibilities for improvement of the KoGloss method.

    Your comments/ additions/ suggestions:

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