Kupiškis Cultural Center Visitor Habits Survey

Dear respondent, we invite you to evaluate the quality of services provided by the Kupiškis District Municipality Cultural Center. By answering the questions in this anonymous survey, you will give us the opportunity to assess our strongest activities and identify areas for improvement. Help us to improve! The results of this survey will not be publicly published and will be used only for the improvement of the Cultural Center's activities.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. What cultural activities/events do you like? (multiple answers possible)

2. How often do you attend our organized events, activities, concerts, or other activities?

3. Is the supply of cultural events/activities sufficient at our Cultural Center?

4. How do you rate the events and activities organized by the Cultural Center?

5. What would encourage you to attend the Cultural Center's organized events, activities, educational programs, or other organized activities more often? (multiple answers possible)

6. The most convenient time for events organized by the Cultural Center would be:

7. Which events organized by the Cultural Center do you attend most often?

8. What intensity of events per month would be most suitable for you?

9. What amount can you allocate for a paid event ticket?

10. Where do you most often learn about events taking place at the Cultural Center?

11. How would you like to receive information about ongoing events?

12. How old are you:

13. You live: