Ladies help me: What do men really think?

Dear responders,

I am an Erasmus student at ISLB Vilnius, and I am doing research based on what men think about cosmetics and beauty. Thank you for your interest, it will take only a few minutes!

(The results from this poll will be used only for academic purposes)


Gender / Sexe

Choose your best friend (male) or your boyfriend: does he take care of himself?

How old is he?


    What is his nationality?


      In what way does he take care of himself?

      does he go to cosmetics shops like "Sephora, Douglas, Drogas"?

      does he buy healthy products?

      What does he think about men going to beauty salons?

      does he remove unwanted hair?

      What is more important to him?

      Create Your QuestionnaireAnswer this form