Land cover, Ecosystem Services and their benefits for human well-being 2023

Welcome to our survey,

The aim of this survey is to identify landscape's goods, services and values that are important
for human well-being. Goods, services and values are benefits that we get from nature. 

Ecosystem services are the many and varied benefits that humans freely gain from the natural environment and from properly-functioning ecosystems. Such ecosystems include agriculture, forests, grasslands, aquatic and marine ecosystems.

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes.

This survey is part of the FunGILT project funded by LMT (Project number P-MIP-17-210)

Thank you for participating in our survey!

Land cover, Ecosystem Services and their benefits for human well-being 2023
Survey results are publicly available

Where are you from?

What is your gender? ✪

What is your age? ✪

What level is your education? ✪

1. How important are the following services and benefits delivered from the Lithuanian landscape for you?

The Lithuanian landscape provides many services and benefits for human well-being, please rate the importance of the following benefits nature provides for your well-being. 1 = not important and 5 = very important
Sense of place
Recreation and ecotourism
Education and knowledge
Spiritual and religious values
Cultural heritage values
Food - subsistence agriculture
Food - fisheries
Food - commercial production
Wild food (Hunting)
Wild food (subsistence)
Natural medicine (herbal)
Fresh water
Water energy
Water transportation
Wind energy
Solar energy
Bio energy
Soil energy
Fuel (Gas etc)
Textile and paper fiber
Biochemical and genetic resources
Mineral resources
Fodder (food for animals)
Timber (wood forest products)
Non-wood forest products

2. What ecosystem services are important for your well-being? (Part 2) ✪

Landscapes provide many functions and ecosystem services, please rate how important the following services are for your well-being. 1 = not important and 5 = very important
Local climate regulation
Global climate regulation
Air quality regulation
Water purification and water treatment
Water and flood regulation
Genetic diversity
Disease regulation
Pest regulation
Natural hazard regulation
Erosion and soil regulation
Seed dispersal
Noise regulation
Water cycling
Nutrient cycling
Flora and fauna (animals and plants)
Species habitats
Natural disturbances (includes fire, flooding, storms, fallen tree and other)

3.1. How important are young forest areas for your well-being? ✪

Young forest 0-20 years of age
3.1. How important are young forest areas for your well-being?

3.2. How important are middle-aged deciduous forests for your well-being? ✪

Deciduous forest (20-70 years old)
3.2. How important are middle-aged deciduous forests for your well-being?

3.3. How important are old deciduous forests for your well-being? ✪

Old deciduous forest (>70 years old)
3.3. How important are old deciduous forests for your well-being?

3.4. How important are middle-aged pine forests for your well-being? ✪

Middle-aged pine forests (20 - 70 years old)
3.4. How important are middle-aged pine forests for your well-being?

3.5. How important are old pine forests for your well-being? ✪

Old pine forest (>70 years old)
3.5. How important are old pine forests for your well-being?

3.6. How important are middle-aged spruce forests for your well-being? ✪

Middle-aged spruce forest (20 - 70 years old)
3.6. How important are middle-aged spruce forests for your well-being?

3.7. How important are old-aged spruce forests for your well-being? ✪

Old spruce forest ( > 70 years old)
3.7. How important are old-aged spruce forests for your well-being?

3.8. How important are recreational areas for your well-being? ✪

Areas in nature with infrastructure for recreational activities (for example, walking trails, picnic spots or other playgrounds)
3.8. How important are recreational areas for your well-being?

3.9. How important are urban areas for your well-being? ✪

Cities and towns
3.9. How important are urban areas for your well-being?

3.10. How important are urban green spaces for your well-being? ✪

Parks, street trees and other green spaces in urban areas
3.10. How important are urban green spaces for your well-being?

3.11. How important are rural villages for your well-being? ✪

Small villages in rural areas
3.11. How important are rural villages for your well-being?

3.12. How important are rivers and lakes for your well-being? ✪

Landscape with rivers and lakes
3.12. How important are rivers and lakes for your well-being?

3.13. How important is the agricultural landscape for your well-being? ✪

These are generally farming areas that grow crops, and/or animals
3.13. How important is the agricultural landscape for your well-being?

3.14. How important are semi-natural grassland areas for your well-being? ✪

These are areas that have wide open fields and are not intensively managed.
3.14. How important are semi-natural grassland areas for your well-being?

3.15. How important are wetlands for your well-being? ✪

Landscape with wetlands and swamps or bogs
3.15. How important are wetlands for your well-being?

3.16. How important is the seaside and Baltic Sea coast for your well-being? ✪

Beaches, dunes by the sea, and coastal landscape.
3.16. How important is the seaside and Baltic Sea coast for your well-being?

3.16. How important are cultural heritage objects in the landscape for your well-being? ✪

Castle hills, defensive forts, and other cultural heritage objects.
3.16. How important are cultural heritage objects in the landscape for your well-being?

From the above land covers, which land cover is most important for your well-being? ✪

Please select the most important land cover for your well-being from the dropdown list.

From the above land covers, which land cover is least important for your well-being? ✪

Please select the least important land cover for your well-being from the dropdown list.

You have completed the survey. Thank you for your help.