Learning(s), language(s) and stereotypes(s)

Are you learning a new language currently? If yes, these questions are for you.


What is the link between learning a language and the results according to stereotypes? How could the cultural aspect influence the learning process? Your answers will allow me to start a reflection on this. Thank you in advance!


Learning(s), language(s) and stereotypes(s)





    Mother tongue(s)


      Current grade

      What is the language you are learning now?


        In what context?

        In what way are the courses organized?

        Would you say that this language appears


        Other option

          Before starting this new language, what was your perception of it?


            Do you agree with this: A foreign language implies stereotypes

            Did you hear any information around you, whatever it may be, about this foreign language that you are learning now?

            Among this information, are there stereotypes, in your opinion? If yes, which ones?


              According to what you know about this foreign language, are these stereotypes justified?

              Why? If yes, will you share it with other people?


                Do you know any other foreign languages? If yes, which one(s)?


                  In what context was it?

                  In what way were the courses organized?

                  Briefly describe your impressions of the learning methods you received and the outcomes today.


                    Thank you for your answers. Free comments or remarks here!

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