Lifetime Vacations

How many vacations have you taken in your lifetime?

  1. 3 hours
  2. 2 vacations a year.... 2 weeks each
  3. 9
  4. 25
  5. 5
  6. many
  7. 1
  8. 5
  9. 7
  10. innumerable
  11. 3
  12. 100
  13. many
  14. 10
  15. 6
  16. 4
  17. 900
  18. a lot
  19. 10
  20. 50
  21. 10
  22. 10
  23. 5
  24. on average, it's 20 days a year; i have almost 15 years of oracle.
  25. 10
  26. ~ 45
  27. i have a vacation every year.
  28. 10
  29. 9
  30. 9
  31. 10
  32. 0
  33. those that were due to me
  34. 23
  35. 3
  36. 30
  37. 1
  38. 4
  39. i don't know, i have 20 days for the year.
  40. 8
  41. 10
  42. my last 10-day vacation was spent at home watching the birth of my daughter. it has been over 4 years since i have been able to take a vacation.
  43. did not count, cannot recall, sorry!
  44. 4
  45. 3
  46. 3
  47. 500
  48. many
  49. 0
  50. 11
  51. no one
  52. 5
  53. a lot. every year.
  54. 1337
  55. 9
  56. 2
  57. 10
  58. qwdas
  59. 1
  60. 1
  61. 60
  62. 1
  63. dfsdfs
  64. 5
  65. 6
  66. a handful
  67. 2
  68. .
  69. 1
  70. two
  71. 7
  72. 1
  73. 1
  74. 2
  75. 17
  76. 5
  77. 25
  78. 0
  79. never
  80. 10
  81. 6
  82. 0
  83. 10
  84. 34
  85. too many to count
  86. 0
  87. 20
  88. 15
  89. 7
  90. 17
  91. pie
  92. 1
  93. none
  94. i don't remember the exact number.
  95. 10
  96. 5
  97. 10
  98. more than 5
  99. 3 weeks per year
  100. don't know