Market research for academic purposes: What do you know about wine from the Tuscany (Italy) region?

The University of Siena, located in Italy's Tuscany region, is actively researching the specifics of wine consumption in Lithuania.



This survey will be used for a master's thesis aimed at examining how Lithuanians perceive and what their knowledge is about wine from the Tuscany region.



The research focuses specifically on two main types of Tuscan wines: “Brunello di Montalcino” and “Chianti Classico”.




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Market research for academic purposes: What do you know about wine from the Tuscany (Italy) region?

1) How often do you drink wine?

2) How would you describe your knowledge of wine?

3) Where/how do you most like to buy wine?

4) Rank the types of information relevant to you when buying a bottle of wine in order of importance, marking 1 as “least important” and 5 as “most important”:

5) Rate the statements from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree”:

6) Would you agree to pay more for Italian wine?

7) Rate how much these characteristics are associated with Italian wine on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means “least associated” and 5 means “most associated”:

8) Do you know where the city of Montalcino is located?

9) Have you ever tasted “Brunello di Montalcino” wine?

10) Have you ever visited the region where “Brunello di Montalcino” wine is made?

11) Rate how much these characteristics are associated with “Brunello di Montalcino” wine on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means “least associated” and 5 means “most associated”:

12) Would you agree to pay more for “Brunello di Montalcino” wine?

13) Rank the types of information relevant to you when buying a bottle of “Brunello di Montalcino” wine in order of importance, marking 1 as “least important” and 5 as “most important”:

14) Do you know which region “Chianti Classico” wine comes from?

15) Have you ever tasted “Chianti Classico” wine?

16) Have you ever visited the region where “Chianti Classico” wine is made?

17) Rate how much these characteristics are associated with “Chianti Classico” wine on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means “least associated” and 5 means “most associated”:

18) Would you agree to pay more for “Chianti Classico” wine?

19) Rank the types of information relevant to you when buying a bottle of “Chianti Classico” wine in order of importance, marking 1 as “least important” and 5 as “most important”:

20) Gender:

21) Age:

22) Annual net income:

23) Education:

24) Employment:

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