Marketing and Management (Lithuanian)

Dear participant,

I, Oleksandra Baklaieva, am studying in the Master's program in International Marketing and Management at ISM University of Management and Economics. I invite you to participate in my research. The participants in the study are employees from Ukraine and Lithuania from different age groups and positions. The collected data will only be used for research purposes. The survey is anonymous and voluntary.

Sincerely, Oleksandra Baklaieva

Please read each statement carefully and decide whether you have ever felt this way about your job.

Please read each statement carefully and decide whether you have ever felt this way about your job. If you have never felt this way, mark "0" (zero) next to the statement in the provided space.

For each of the descriptions below, mark one box that shows how IMPORTANT it is for you personally at work.

If you could choose freely, would you like to continue working in your current workplace or not? (Mark one answer)

How long would you like to stay in your workplace? (Mark one answer)

If you had to leave your job for some time (for example, for childcare), would you return to this workplace? (Mark one answer)

If you could choose freely, would you like to continue working in your current position or not? (Mark one)

How long would you like to stay in your current position? (Mark one answer)

If you had to leave your job for some time (for example, for childcare), would you return to work in the same type of job/profession? (Mark one answer)

How many days have you been unable to work (not gone to work) due to your own illness in the past year?


    Your gender

    What is your age (please specify the number of years)?


      What are your job responsibilities?


        How long have you been working in your current position?


          In your opinion, how easy or difficult would it be for you to find another job similar to your current one?

          Create your questionnaireAnswer this form