Marketing and Management (Ukrainian)

Dear participant! I, Oleksandra Baklaieva, ask you to assist in conducting research for my master's thesis. I am currently studying in Lithuania at ISM International University for a master's degree in marketing and management. I will analyze workers of different ages and positions from two countries: Ukraine and Lithuania. The data will be used only in the thesis, filling out the questionnaire is voluntary and anonymous.

Regards, Oleksandra Baklaieva.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Please read each statement carefully and rate it on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).

Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
1. The work I do at this job is very important to me.
2. The work of my position is meaningful to me.
3. The work I do in this position deserves attention/time.
4. My tasks at work (work of my position) are significant to me.
5. The work I perform in this position is meaningful to me.
6. I think that the work I do in my position/job is valuable.

Please read each statement carefully and rate it on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). If you have never felt this way, please mark 0 (zero).

Almost never (A few times a year or less)
Rarely (Once a month or less)
Sometimes (A few times a month)
Often (Once a week)
Very often (A few times a week)
Always (Every day)
1. I am filled with energy at my job.
2. I feel that the work I do is full of meaning and purpose.
3. Time flies when I work.
4. At my job, I feel strong and energetic.
5. I am passionate about my work.
6. When I work, I forget about everything else around me.
7. My work inspires me.
8. When I wake up in the morning, I feel that I want to go to work.
9. I feel happy when I work intensely.
10. I am proud of the work I do.
11. I am immersed in my work.
12. I can work for a long time.
13. My work is a challenge for me.
14. I get “carried away” when I work.
15. At work, I anticipate risks and feel comfortable with changes (flexible).
16. I find it difficult to separate myself from work.
17. At work, I am always eager, even when things are not going well.

Please read each statement carefully and rate it on a scale from 1 (very important) to 7 (not important at all).

Very important
Not important
Not important at all
the knowledge that your job is secured for you in the future.
high income.
good opportunities for promotion.
interesting work.
work that allows you to work independently from others.
work that allows you to help other people.
work that is beneficial to society.
work that allows you to decide what time and days you need to work.
work where you can personally contact people.

If you could choose freely, would you prefer to continue working at your company or leave it? (Choose one option).

How long would you like to stay in this company? (Choose one option).

If you had to leave the job for some time (for example, due to pregnancy or other circumstances), would you return to your company? (Choose one option).

If you were completely free to choose, would you prefer to work in your current position or not? (Choose one option).

How long would you like to stay working in your current position? (Choose one option).

If you had to leave the job for some time (for example, due to pregnancy) would you return to your position (profession)? (Choose one option).

How many days have you been absent from work due to your illness over the past year?

What is your gender?

How old are you?

What is your position (what do you do)?

How long have you worked at your current location?

How hard or easy do you think it will be for you to find a job at least as good as your current one?