Mentor evaluation

Hello dear Erasmus,

ESN MRU Vilnius asks you to answer some questions about your mentor :))


Your mentor is?

  1. labante
  2. a
  3. mr. baker
  4. viktoria agniete
  5. ksysha
  6. aiste abro
  7. viktorija pakausyte
  8. sima seskaite
  9. kriusha orechova
  10. valerijus olechnovic

My mentor gave me a lot of information before coming to Lithuania

Did your mentor pick you up at the airport/bus station?

My mentor went to the dorms/flat with me on the first days

Usually if I have questions or problems, I ask my mentor to help me

My mentor gave me information about ESN MRU Vilnius events/trips

I am happy to have my mentor

When I went to the hospital, my mentor went with me

Do you keep in touch (communicate) with your mentor? Do you go for coffee or do you just say "Hi-bye"?

  1. sometimes
  2. a
  3. yes
  4. no
  5. next week we'll go for coffee.
  6. not so often
  7. yeeeeesss
  8. we communicate regularly. she invited me and my boyfriend for a whole weekend with her family, which was really fun. we do some activities together if both of us have free time.
  9. just say hi. how are you and so on.
  10. yes, very often. we have already had many meetings.

Would you recommend your mentor for future Erasmus students?

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