Mess left by pets in public places

This mini-survey helps us determine whether the mess left by pets (especially dogs and cats) in public places such as apartment stairs, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, etc., is a social problem in Romania. Thank you for your understanding and help.

Name and Surname







        Have you ever been bothered by the mess left by pets in public places you frequent?

        Have you ever noticed if pet owners clean up after their pets in public places?

        Do you think this (the mess left by pets in public places) is a problem in our country?

        Would you agree that people who do not clean up after their pets should be fined?

        How many pets do you have? (only for pet owners.)

        Do you clean up the mess left by your pets in public places? (only for pet owners.)

        Are you bothered by the mess left by other people's pets in public places? (only for pet owners)

        Create Your QuestionnaireAnswer this form