Mini Company 2

Our idea is a USB stick shaped like a key. Primarily, it will be offered for business-to-business purposes. The design is easily adaptable for any design wishes, and we will provide the desired layout. You can easily carry it on your key ring. Additional companies can store manuals, their homepage, or any other information on the USB stick. This data cannot be deleted and appears immediately every time you connect the USB stick to your computer. It is an easy and inexpensive way of advertising, but also a tool to maintain customer relationships. Furthermore, we offer the USB stick as a regular product in the business-to-consumer market and will provide proper designs related to seasonal events.

Mini Company 2
Questionnaire results are publicly available

What is your gender?

How old are you?

What is your occupation?

Do you use USB sticks?

If yes, for what purpose do you use it?

How much storage do you prefer on your USB stick?

What colours would you like a USB stick like that?

How much would you spend for our 16 GB USB stick?

When you think about USB sticks as a design element on your keychain, what are the most important things you care about? And evaluate the results on a scale from 1-10.

data size

Would you buy our product?

If yes, in what way are you interested in our product?

If not, why wouldn't you buy it?

Where can our advertisement reach you best?

Where would you buy our product?

Do you have any suggestions to improve our product?