Mini Company 5

Our idea is to create a pair of football socks, which have a bag for the shin guards included. Having a shin guard included into the sock, prevents the shin guard from falling down. You don’t need to attach the shin guard separately on to your leg anymore. The shin guard will be put in to an elastic bag that is sewed on the inside of your football socks.


How old are you?

Do you play football?

If yes, how often?

What size have your socks?

What size have your shinguards (Schienbeinschoner)?

What kind of a shinguard do you use?


    How do you fix your shinguards until now?


      Would you buy the product?

      If no, why?


        Would you buy the product as a present?

        If no, why?


          Do you have any suggestions or room of improvement for the product? (Verbesserungsvorschläge?)

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