Mini Company Survey

Hello, everyone! We are second year students in Fontys University and we participate in a project called "Mini Company". In this project we have to create a product and sell it.

What is our product? It is called "Cocktailor" and it can be defined as a "party package". The product is a stylishly designed box that contains a few things that can help you to have a really good time. The first thing is a set of two glasses for drinks and cocktails that will be designed in a very special and original way. After that you are going to receive thirty colorful straws that are glowing in the dark for up to 12 hours. Furthermore, 10 most popular cocktail recipes will be provided in a booklet. Finally, on the booklet a QR code will be printed and it will connect you to our website where you can find additional recipes and the product can be bought. You can find below simple examples of all parts that will be included in the package.

Why is our product good for you? Everybody likes to have a party and a real fun. We just want to help you with this and to make your parties even better!

How can you help us? Please take two minutes from your time and fill in this survey, because your opinion and desire are the most important things for us!

Mini Company Survey
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your gender?

What is your age?

Do you like to go to parties?

How often do you go to parties?

What is your favorite cocktail?

Do you think that the packaging of a product is important?

Do you like our product?

Who would you buy the product for?

If yes, how much would you pay for our product?

Do you have any additional ideas or improvements?