Minijobs for job seekers


Students from WU Wien, TU, Boku. Working on a project for the university. The background will be explained after the interview.

· Working on a Start-up project, about: Matching jobseekers (students) and jobproviders (seniors who need help at home) - therefore we need feedback and input about our idea

· Would our solution solve your problems? (Does our solution solve your problem?)

· Would you use our app? (Would you use our app?)

· What’s your biggest concern with this app? (What would be your biggest concern as a user?)

Questionnaire results are publicly available

What’s your name?

How old are you?

Do you have a job?

If you don't have a job. How do you spend your time? Name 3 activities

If you don't have a job. Why don’t you have one?

If you don't have a job. How would you look for a job?

Have you tried online job portals so far?

If you tried job portals. Which one was it?

If you tried job portals. Were you happy with it? If no, why not?

How important is variety to you in your job?

Would you like to do a job where you can weekly decide about the working hours?

If you have a job. What is your profession?

If you have a job. How did you find it?

If you have a job. How long did it take you to find the job - from the point on you were explicitly looking for it?

If you have a job. How often do you work per week?

If you have a job. Is your work varied?

If you have a job. Do you work on a regular schedule / always on the same day, at the same time?

If you have a job. Are you happy with your working hours?

If you have a job. Do you wish to be more independent from the working hours?

Working on a Start-up project, about: Matching jobseekers (students) and jobproviders (seniors who need help at home) - therefore we need feedback and input about our idea. Would our solution solve your problems?

Is there anything you want to add or which was left out?