Mobile Applications in Lithuania

While preparing the February issue of the magazine "Valley of Llamas", we created a short survey about mobile applications. We kindly ask you to spare five minutes of your time to answer a few questions. As a token of appreciation, one of the survey participants will win a fragrant "You & Oil" prize - an oil and soap set. If you want to participate in the lottery, please enter your email address at the end of the survey.

Mobile Applications in Lithuania
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Please list the mobile applications you use.

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On which devices do you use mobile applications?

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Do you use paid applications?

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Which Lithuanian mobile applications do you use?

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Do you use mobile online banking?

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For what purpose do you most often use mobile applications (1 - least often, 5 - most often)?

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Various services
Social networks

You are:

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What is your age?

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If you want to participate in the prize lottery, please enter your email address.

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