Motivational system in financial institutions

Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. Are you an employee of a financial credit institution?

2. Do you believe that incentives and other benefits affect your work performance?

3. Which incentive motivates you the most?

4. Rate your level of satisfaction with the organization's work culture?

5. What factors influence your level of work motivation? (Rate each option on a scale of 1-5, where 1 - not motivating at all, 5 - very motivating)

financial reward
praise and recognition
social recognition
occupational safety
Work environment (management style, preferences, benefits, etc.)

6. To what extent do these factors demotivate you at work? (Rate each option on a scale of 1-5, where 1 - no influence, 5 - very demotivating)

low salary
lack of opportunities for training and career growth
poor work environment
insufficient skills needed for the job

7. What do you value most in your work?

8. What aspects do you think need improvement in the bank where you work?

9. What is more important for you when choosing a workplace?

10. What forms of employee incentives are used in the bank where you work (multiple answers possible)?

11. Rate the importance of the following factors in choosing a workplace on the scale below (Rate each option on a scale of 1-5, where 1 - not important at all, 5 - very important)

High salary
Prestige of the bank
Career growth opportunities
Independence in task execution
Participation in bank management
Provision of office equipment
Favorable psychological climate
Opportunity for training during work
Variety of work
Availability of non-material incentives
Flexible work schedule

12. Choose the statement that best describes you as an employee:

13. Your gender:

12. Your age:

13. Your average monthly income: