myTravelCup - Warm Up Your Life

Dear visitor,

Thank you in advance for filling out our survey!

We are a group of students who need to start a business for school; this business will need to produce and sell products. Your feedback helps us make important decisions about our product.

Our product idea is a thermos cup that can be customized according to preference. It is possible to put an important date on this thermos cup as well as a photo of friends/family.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

What is your gender?

What is your age?

What is your occupation?

What do you consider a good price range for our product?

Do you think it's important that the thermos can be customized?

Which answer best fits you?

What modifications would you like to make to your thermos?

Do you ever use a thermos to transport your drink?

For whom will I buy this product?