Nanotechnology and nanomedicine

The aim of my questionnaire is to find out about people‘s attitudes to nanotechnology?
The poll results are public

Your gender? ✪

How old are you? ✪

Are you studying? ✪

Are you working? ✪

1. Have you heard anything about nanotechnology? ✪

2. If you have heard something about nano technology, write what.

3. What kind of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology you heard? ✪

4. How did you heard about nanotechnology? ✪

5. Do you think whether nanotechnology can be useful in medicine? ✪

6. Would you possibly treat nanotechnology help? ✪

7. What do you think of nanomedicine or may replace the current medicine? ✪

8. Write your opinion on nanomedicine. ✪

9. Do you agree with use of nanotechnology in medicine? ✪

10. Do you face with nanotechnologies in your life? ✪

11. If you face with nanotechnologies in your life, write where?

12. Are you interested in nanotechnologies? ✪

13. If yes or no, why? ✪