New Toy Product

We are exchange students from Fontys University and we participate in a project called "Business Plan". This project consists of creating a unique Dutch toy.

We are offering a special product- 'talking animal bin'. When the rubbish is put into the mouth of the animal it makes a sound. Before putting the rubbish you have to screw up a helix. The customer is allowed to choose the type of animal as well as the colour. It is also adapted for sorting rubbish. We assure you that your response will remain anonymous and it's used only for educational purposes.

Please fill in this survey because your answers are very important for our research and product. It will take you only 2 minutes! Thank you for your co-operation time and consideration

New Toy Product
Questionnaire results are publicly available

Do you have children?

How old is he/she/are they?


How much money do you average spend on your children's toys per quarter?

Where do you buy toys

Direct from retailer
Toy store
From a supermarket
Wholesale store

Where do you buy those most?

How important is recycling for you?

How do you find out about toys for your child?

What do you think about our product idea?

Where do you want to find it

Would you buy our product?

How much are you going to spend on it