Nominees for Best Awards List - AGT5-2014/15

This is a vote for your choice of the BEST PERSON in the following categories:

Please vote HONESTLY because you TRULY think he/she has done a good job.

Nominees for Best Awards List - AGT5-2014/15

My Best Actor/Actress is: (you may choose more than one)

My Best Actor/Actress is: (you may choose more than one)

My Best OTHER ROLE in the Project is: (you may choose more than one)

My Best OTHER ROLE in the Project is: (you may choose more than one)

Other option

  1. essam20
  2. 20
  3. haitmy
  4. donia
  5. nice
  6. good job
  7. no
  8. ahmed mohamed salman
  9. editor: mohamed abdelkader
  10. ahmed ismail
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