Of all the sciences, mathematics is the one that causes the least debate over its validity.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. Are you aware of any contradictory mathematical theories?

2. Do you trust the role logic plays in the proofs of theorems of any mathematical field known by you?

3. Do you suspect any branches of mathematics of lacking proof to be trusted?

4. Have you had any doubts about any correct mathematical statement in the past?

5. Do you think there are other sciences built on mathematics as a basis?

6. Do you know any sciences that lack rigor as in mathematics?

7. Are there any known theories of other sciences that are contradictory to any mathematical theory?

8. What would be the sane action to be taken if some scientific theory contradictory to mathematics had been discovered?

9. Do you know any arguable theories in sciences such as physics, chemistry?

10. What do you think about the latest theories of physics (theory of relativity, quantum physics), do they contradict or explain other theories of physics?

11. What sciences are mostly incomplete and therefore cause many discussions?

12. What sciences are mostly complete and therefore cause little discussion?

13. Mark the sciences you think are not very much relevant today.

14. What sciences will continue to be successful in the future?

15. Are you comfortable with the technological improvement given by the sciences?

16. Does a person possessing mathematical knowledge benefit a person unaware of it?