Olympic games generate great revenue for the hospitality industry

Hello my friend, please help me to do a survey about Olympic games generating great revenue for the hospitality industry. Please help me to fill up the question. Thank for your help.

Your information will be kept confidential.

Please answer the survey only if you have been to a hosting country of the Olympic games.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

What is your name?

What is your gender?

How old are you?

What is your nationality?

Which host country / countries have you been for the Games? (Please tick the option(s) applicable to you.)

Why did you choose that host country / those host countries to visit? (Please tick the option(s) applicable to you)

Where did you stay during the trip?

Were accommodation bookings very full at the time? (provided that you are not living at a friend or relative's place)

Did you visit other tourist spots besides watching the Games?

If yes, why did you choose to visit other tourist spots as well?

If no, why did you choose not to visit other tourist spots in the host country?

How much did you spend during the trip? (CHF)

On what did you spend the most on?

Would you visit the current host country to watch the Games again?

Do you think the Games can bring great revenue to the hospitality industry?