Olympic games generate greater revenue for the hospitality industry

Hello my friend please help me to do a survey about Olympic games generate greater revenue for the hospitality industry. Please help me to fill up the questions. Thank you for your help.

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What is your name?

    What is your gender?

    What is your nationality?

      Have you gone to the country after the Games?

      Usually where will you stay during the trip?

      Do you think the Games can help the hospitality industry?

      Which country have you been to after they hosted the Games?

        How much do you spend during the trip? (CHF)

        Where do you spend most of your trip?

          Why did you choose that country to go to?

            Do you think the location of the Games is important?

              Which kind of country do you think is more suitable for hosting the Games? Developed? Developing? Non-developed?

                Create your questionnaireAnswer this form