Online Shopping

Online Shopping
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. What is your gender? ✪

2. How old are you? ✪

3. How much do you like shopping? ✪

4. Have you ever tried to buy something online? ✪

5. How often do you do that?

If your answer to the fourth question is YES, please answer this question.

6. Why do you prefer shopping online?

If your answer to the fourth question is YES, please answer this question.

7. How often do you buy?

If your answer to the fourth question is YES, please answer this question.
Consumer Electronics

8. Why have you never tried it?

If your answer to the fourth question is NO, please answer this question.

9. Are you planning to try it in the future?

If your answer to the fourth question is NO, please answer this question.