Organizational behaviour

Dear friends,

      We are doing research about factors that help people perform their jobs well. You would greatly assist us in our progress by completing this survey. Please circle one option per question unless noted otherwise, which you believe is the most accurate to YOU. Thank you in advance, and we hope you will learn something about yourself after this survey.

1. Do you think a manager should monitor their work performance every week? ( Please choose from 1- strongly agree to 4- strongly disagree)

2. Do you think stress and external factors can affect your work performance?

3. Do you agree that understanding employee psychology can help managers motivate their employees?

4. Do you think communication between managers and employees also affects work performance?

5. Do you think managers should put pressure on their employees to help them work productively?

6. Managers should clearly explain tasks to ensure employees are on the right track.

7. Do you think a good work environment is more motivating than financial issues?

8. Do you believe that working in a team significantly affects the work performance of others?

9. Do you think a friendly work environment is important in helping someone perform their job well?

When you have your target, you will work well.

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