Parents' perspective and understanding of ensuring safe internet for children

Dear respondents,

My name is Daiva Sadauskienė, I am currently studying at Mykolas Romeris University and conducting research for my master's thesis, which examines parents' perspective and understanding of ensuring safe internet for children in Lithuania and Switzerland. The aim of this research is to better understand how parents respond to the security challenges their children face while navigating the vastness of the internet.

Your opinion is extremely important as it will help reveal both positive and negative aspects related to child safety in the online space.

I would like to ask you to take a few minutes to answer this questionnaire. Your responses will be anonymous and used only for scientific purposes. Every response is valuable, so don't miss the opportunity to share your thoughts!

“Safe internet is not just a matter of technology, but also a part of parents' perspective on it.”

If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your time and valuable contribution to my research!


Daiva Sadauskienė

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Your age

Marital status

Highest education level in your family

How would you rate your digital literacy?

Do you think you have an addiction to the internet/social networks?

How often do you post photos on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)?

Do you post pictures of your child/children on social networks?

If yes, how often do you do this?

What do you think most influences your perspective on the necessity of ensuring safe internet use and the measures you apply to your children? (You can select multiple answers)

On a scale from 1 to 10, how concerned are you about children's safety online?

What do you think are the biggest dangers your child may encounter online? Please mark "Not very dangerous," "Dangerous," or "Very dangerous" on the right side

Not very dangerous
Very dangerous
Harmful/Inappropriate content (of a sexual or violent nature; drugs, gambling, extremism.)
Internet addiction
Messages from strangers
Pressure on the child to be perfect
Child identity theft
False information
Harmful online communities and challenges (promoting self-harm, hate, illegal behavior)

Have you independently searched/searching for information about ensuring safe internet for children?

Do you allow your child/children to use the internet?

Do you monitor the time that the child/children spend online?

How much time does your child spend online per day?

Do you control the content that the child sees online?

How often do you discuss online safety with your child?