Participant Survey for the Sambatyon Camp 9/10

Academic Creative Camp "Sambatyon-9/10"

August 12–24, 2014
Many paths back in time and space

The Sambatyon-9/10 camp "Jews and Europe" invites high school students and university students interested in Jewish history and culture to participate.

The camp organizers provide participants with accommodation, kosher meals, and transportation for the duration of the camp. Participants are responsible for their visa, travel to and from, and a $200 organizational fee.

Students, undergraduates, and young researchers from around the world will participate in the camp, including from Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, the USA, Ukraine, Estonia, and more. The camp's instructors and tutors are wonderful people, specialists in various fields of science and art, and professional educators. Preparation for the camp will begin immediately after being assigned to one of the 2 groups.


Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Last Name First Name Patronymic ✪

Date of birth ✪

Foreign passport details: number, validity, where, when, issued by ✪

Do you require a visa to enter the Schengen Agreement countries? ✪

City ✪

Address and postal code ✪

Contact phone ✪

Contact e-mail ✪

School, class / University, faculty, course ✪

In which academic schools/circles/expeditions/seminars/conferences on Judaica have you participated? (year and location) ✪

In which creative competitions, Olympiads, or educational trips (in any disciplines) have you participated? ✪

Choose the fields of science that you find most interesting and would like to engage in: ✪

Choose the forms of creativity that resonate with you and that you would like to engage in: ✪

What is your experience in these types of creativity?

Please specify which languages you know and to what degree ✪

Native language
I know well (speak, read, write fluently)
I know moderately (can read with a dictionary, know the basics of grammar)
I know a little (recognize letters, know some phrases)
I do not know

Have you engaged with issues related to the history and culture of European Jewry? If yes, please specify. ✪

How did you hear about the Sambatyon 9/10 camp? ✪

Which group would you prefer to participate in? ("East" - Minsk-Krakow, OR "West" - Riga-Krakow) ✪