Perception of meaningful experiences through travel

Hello everyone,

I’m currently writing my bachelor thesis, researching how people understand and perceive meaningful experiences. This short questionnaire will be a great help for me, so every opinion will be appreciated. Thank you!

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Which source of information/recommendation do you normally use when choosing a travel destination/attraction? (You can choose more than one answer)

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With whom do you usually travel? (You can choose more than one answer)

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What type of tourism attraction would you normally choose?

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What are the main reasons influencing you to travel?

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When choosing an attraction you want it to be:

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Highly agree
Highly disagree

The following statement describes you:

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I prefer to choose highly developed "touristy" spots.
I prefer to choose underdeveloped, unexplored destinations.
I prefer to travel to safe places.
I prefer to take risks.
I prefer to plan well before traveling.
I prefer to make decisions on the spot, while traveling.
I prefer relaxing vacations.
I prefer active vacations that challenge me.
I prefer well-developed guided tours.
I prefer to avoid mass events, concerts, etc.
I like to buy souvenirs that will remind me of the trip I had.
I rarely buy souvenirs, only if it is something truly locally made or authentic.

What would you define as a meaningful experience?

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Give examples of unique attractions that can be perceived as meaningful experiences:

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Have you ever heard of Randers Tropical Zoo (Randers Regnskov), located in Denmark?

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IF YES, have you visited it?

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14. IF NOT, would an attraction like Randers Tropical Zoo, where visitors can interact with animals freely in their natural habitat, interest you? If no, please explain why:

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Do you agree with the following statements:

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Highly agree
Highly disagree
I agree to pay more for an attraction that will enhance my social status.
I agree to pay more for unique and authentic attractions.
I agree to pay for attractions that provide me with experiences rather than tangible goods (things I can take home).
I like to pay separately for different components of an attraction (bus, hotel, tickets, etc.).
I prefer to choose package deal offers.
I am more likely to choose an attraction to visit if they are offering discounts.

While visiting a destination/attraction, you pay attention to:

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Highly agree
Highly disagree
Main attraction
Supplementary attractions
Quality of service
Fellow tourists